Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety
Hardeep Singh, M.D., M.P.H.

Co-Chief, Health Policy, Quality & Informatics Program, Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety, Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center
Director, Houston DISCovery (Diagnosis Improvement Safety Center)
Professor, Department of Medicine, Section of Health Services Research, Baylor College of Medicine
Phone:713-791-1414 ext. 10264
Research Interests
- Understanding and reducing diagnostic errors
- Use of health information technology to improve health care
- Safety of electronic health record implementation and use
- Environmental sustainability
- M.D., All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
- Residency, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
- M.P.H., Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Awards and Activities
- Recipient of the 20th John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award by the Joint Commission and the National Quality Forum (NQF) for Individual Lifetime Achievement, 2022
- Recipient of the 2016 Veterans Affairs Health System Impact Award honoring research that significantly impacted clinical practice and policy (Singh and Houston DISCovery Team)
- Recipient of the 2012 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from President Barack Obama, April 2014. Click here to see Press Release
- Recipient of the Academy Health 2012 Alice S. Hersh New Investigator Award for high-impact work of international significance in the area of patient safety and diagnostic errors
- Department of Veterans Affairs Representative to the National Academy of Medicine’s Climate Collaborative 2022-present
- Department of Veterans Affairs Representative to the Federal Health Systems Learning Network for Climate Action 2023-present
- Executive Committee member, The Lancet Commission on Sustainable Healthcare 2023-present
- Nominated member, National Academy of Medicine Board on Health Care Services 2020-present
- Work cited in PCAST Presidential Report “A Transformational Effort on Patient Safety"
- Member of Technical Expert Panel (TEP) for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Patient Safety Structural Measure
- Invited Expert for the Drafting and Review Task Force, Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030, World Health Organization (WHO). Released and adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Invited Task Force Member, VA Sustainability Task Force (STF)
- Recipient of a K23 research career development award from the National Institutes of Health, 2007-2012 & several federally funded research grants (RO1, R18, R21) from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality & Merit Reviews from the VHA
- Research informed several patient safety initiatives & policy reports, i.e., National Academy of Medicine, US Department of Health & Human Services, NQF, AMA, AHRQ, Organization for Economic Co-operation & Development, WHO
- Editorial Board Member, International Journal for Quality in Health Care (IJQHC), 2017-present
- Editorial Board Member, The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 2017-present
- Co-Chair, Closing the Referral Loop Expert Panel, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 2017
- Chair, ECRI Partnership for Health IT Patient Safety, “Health IT Safe Practices: Toolkit for the Safe Use of Health IT for Patient Identification”. 2017
- Nominated Member, National Quality Forum Improving Diagnostic Accuracy Committee, 2016-2017
- Co-Chair, National Quality Forum HIT Patient Safety Expert Panel for the Prioritization and Identification of Health IT and Patient Safety Measures, 2015
- Elected Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI) for significant and sustained contributions and advancements in the field of biomedical informatics, 2014
- Co-developed "ONC SAFER Guides" for safe and effective electronic health record use. Click here to go to link
- Co-developed national VA policy on diagnostic test results communication VHA Directive 1088
- Appointed by Secretary of Health and Human Services to the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee, 2013-2017 (advisory role to the Centers for Disease Control, Food and Drug Administration, and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)
Read Dr. Singh's editorial on defining diagnostic errors in Joint Commission Resources: Journal on Quality and Patient Safety © Joint Commission Resources: , 2014, 99-101. Reprinted with permission.
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